The Karnataka government has decided to set up a memorial for Kannada thespian Rajkumar in Bangalore, which is estimated to cost Rs 10 crore. According to official sources, the estimates were finalised at a special meeting chaired by Karnataka Chief Minister HD Kumaraswamy on Sunday. The memorial is said to come up in Kanteerava Studio, where Rajkumar was laid to rest last week. A permanent exhibition on the history of the Kannada film industry and Rajkumar’s movies will also be part of the memorial. A panel comprising family members of the actor, representatives of the Kannada film industry and the government, will be constituted shortly, to prepare the blueprint of the memorial.
The government also intends to hold a programme on April 23 in the city to pay homage to the actor. Representatives of the Hindi film industry and their counterparts in the Southern film industries will also be a part of the programme.
Keeping in view Rajkumar’s long association with the studio, set up by the state government way back in 1966, the actor’s trophies and souvenirs will also be displayed at the memorial. Rajkumar used to frequent the studio in his heydays and shot a number of films there. The 40-year-old Kanteerava Studio Ltd is located in Nandini Layout, in the northern part of the city spread over 20 acres. The government holds 93 per cent of the share capital (Rs 87.98 lakh) and 113 private shareholders the rest.
Following the superstar’s demise, the studio has turned into a pilgrim spot with thousands of fans making a beeline to pay their homage.
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